Session Four – How far can you go?
Two people per group, three hours, £139pp.
If you’re joining us at our session four kitesurfing lesson, you’ve been introduced to the kiteboard already and you’ve been practising waterstarts with some level of success. At this stage of your kitesurf lessons, it is completely normal for you to have a preferred side to ride on (we’ll call this your dominant stance) while the other side is a little shaky. During your fourth kitesurf lesson you’ll close the gap between riding sides as you practice more and more. Going into this session and beyond, some controlled waterstarts and a controlled stop to sit back down in the water is the benchmark to progress from.
What should I expect from the Session Four kitesurfing lesson?
The Session Four kitesurfing lesson is designed to give you maximum practice time in a more affordable way. We will pair you with another student at the same level and an instructor and you’ll head out onto the water together to keep practising your board starts and rides.
If you’ve already achieved some long rides on Session Three, don’t expect this to always be the case. In our experience we find most students take one step forward and then two steps back, followed eventually by leap forwards as another skill clicks and you have a little eureka moment (We cannot stress how normal this is when learning to kitesurf). The slightest change in wind, waves, kite size and the board can all impact your session, and at this stage, your goal is to repeatedly execute the skills to stand up and ride in a variety of conditions. This is exactly why we offer session four; to ensure you can keep practising and working on your technique and developing your understanding of how these variables affect your riding.
At this stage, becoming more familiar with how your equipment works and understanding how to tune the kite to get the best performance out of it is essential to making longer rides. During the session four kitesurf lesson, you’ll clarify which knots you should connect your lines to in various weather conditions and how to use your bar’s trim system to make adjustments to the kite’s angle, upwind potential, and power delivery on the fly.
On the water, you’ll learn how to prolong your rides by sheeting the bar in and out and really learning to work that kite for maximum efficiency. At this stage of learning to ride, it’s all about fine-tuning technique and starting to relax back into your harness, relax your arms and open your body position to edge more effectively with the board so you can control speed and direction as you travel across the water.
You’ll also learn techniques for handling the waves, which is a challenge of its own! Make the most of this time with your instructor and really focus on keeping your knees soft as you cut through chop and rollover waves. Adapting your stance to a range of water conditions will prepare you for riding at any beach in the world.

Our aim is to make you a confident kiter in a range of conditions and the only way you can become so is by getting out with an experienced instructor as much as you can; you never know, being paired up with someone you may make a nice new kite buddy out of the session also.
How do I progress from the Session Four kitesurfing lesson?
You can either repeat the Session Four kitesurfing lesson or join us for Session Five of our Five session structure. Session Five will continue developing your riding skills as well as assessing your ability to make safe judgements as an independent kiter. You’ll keep working towards long and controlled rides and show us that you’ve taken our beach safety instructions on board.
Want to commit to learning the sport and save yourself money? Book our session 1-3 bundle to save 5% or session 1-5 bundle to save 7% from your lesson costs. Check out our deals here.
Please note – You have to be 16+ to attend a group course. Our lesson structure is subject to change depending on group ability and the forecast, all decisions made by the instructor on the day are always with safety in mind and will be beneficial to the stage of learning you are at. For our frequently asked questions about lessons, rescheduling and cancellations please click here or contact us via email/phone.