Session Five – Persistence pays off

Two people per group, three hours, £139pp.

We’re stoked to take you into our Session Five kitesurfing lesson and get you riding longer distances with more control of your speed and direction. You are now into your sixteenth hour of kiting; this may sound like a lot, but did you know the average kiter takes 20-30 hours to get to a point of independence?

What should I expect from the Session Five kitesurfing lesson?

The Session Five kitesurfing lesson will continue to develop your board riding and kite handling skills. During this kitesurf lesson, you’ll keep working towards long and controlled rides as this takes you one step closer to being able to go out on your own.

session five kitesurfing lesson

To get to what we call independence (which is where you receive your BKSA card certifying your level) you need to be able to demonstrate the following:

  • Able to read a forecast and choose the correct kite size for conditions
  • Be able to identify all risks at a spot and do a SHOE assessment
  • Set up a LEI kite correctly and demonstrate using all 3 safety systems (and reset them)
  • Safely launch a kite with good technique
  • Follow the ‘right of way’ rules
  • Ride 50m in both directions in a safe and controlled way
  • Demonstrate a self-rescue independently
  • Walk safely with the kite along the beach
  • Land a kite in a controlled manner and pack it away correctly

The Session Five kitesurfing lesson will help you progress closer to meeting all of these criteria whilst keeping the cost affordable. You are welcome (depending on your progress) to undertake Session Four and Session Five as many times as needed until you can ride; for some people, this is once and for others this is many times over.

How do I progress from the Session Five kitesurfing lesson?

Once you are at a good level of riding it is time to book a private tuition slot so the instructor can tailor their approach to ensure you’re ready to be signed off on the above criteria as soon as possible.

There’s so much to learn within kite sports that we doubt you could ever stop learning something new.

Whether you want to ride a twintip, surfboard or hydrofoil, our instructors are ready to help you style up your riding with some new skills. Take a kitesurf lesson to learn how to jump higher, perform freestyle tricks, start strapless kitesurfing on the waves and more.

Our group-based tuition is the most comprehensive and impactful way to learn during the early stages of learning to kitesurf. Being paired up with someone of a similar ability to you is a bit like having video feedback to correct mistakes, only it’s someone else’s body that you’re watching. In each of the skills taught throughout Sessions One to Five, there are a few common mistakes that you’ll undoubtedly work through as you develop the motor skills required to kitesurf and familiarise yourself with the scenarios in which you need to use each skill. In a group setting you can very easily overcome common mistakes through observation as well as physical practice. Using your new kite buddy as an example, your instructor will be able to point out specific corrections to body position and kite movement in real time as you watch it. Then, as you take the kite for your attempt, you’ll have the awareness of the exact moment you’re correcting.

Please note – You have to be 16+ to attend a group course. Our lesson structure is subject to change depending on group ability and the forecast, all decisions made by the instructor on the day are always with safety in mind and will be beneficial to the stage of learning you are at. For our frequently asked questions about lessons, rescheduling and cancellations please click here or contact us via email/phone.

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